Glossy Appeal is all about empowerment, fun, and being discreet. Our aim is to empower all aspects of your sex life. Pleasure is much more fun when you're in control and have a wide selection of affordable toys to choose from.
Just how discreet are we? Glossy Appeal is known for being tight-lipped. Nobody needs to know your business. We do a few things to assure nobody knows about your order.
1. Plain Packaging
When we send you your order, your purchase will come in a plain, unmarked box. The shipping label won't mention our company, or indicate the contents of the package.
2. Accurate Tracking
Be there when your order gets delivered. We ship with carriers like USPS, DHL, and FedEx. We also make sure you get a tracking number so you know where your package is, when it's out for delivery, and when to be the first person to get to it.
3. Credit Card Statements
Whether you buy with a credit card, PayPal, Venmo, or any of our many other payment options, your statements won't indicate anything suspicious. You'll see a charge from 'GA.US' or 'G Appeal Group'
Your secrets are safe with us.
Love xoxo
The Glossy Appeal Team
Working hours are Mon-Friday 9am-5pm E.S.T
It's best to Email for quickest response: glossyappeal@gmail.com